Monday, July 23

Why Blog???

Its after 1am and I'm up late blogging..........
I get the sudden urge to blog after midnight..............uhhhhhh........
I really wanted to start a blog because I wanted to have a digital memoir of my journey, experiences, and adventure that I am going to endeavor on.

I have no urge to be this super genius blogger whom gets raves and reviews from every critic possible,
but to create something that I can look back on and say I DID this, or at this point in my life I was
OBSESSED loving this trend.

I want to be able to look back and hopefully show my kids that this is what their mommy started when she was in her 20s.
..............while my mind rambles on what else to add, Ill end my post with this, blogging gives you the chance to say something you wouldn't otherwise in certain situations
It allows you to be a critic of not only your work but others

.........uhhhhhh......on that note....

Peace and Love

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