Thursday, July 26

Yesterday was my country's Independence Day (true Liberian??)

Yesterday was my country's Independence Day. Yesterday the country of Liberia celebrated its 156th birthday (July 26th).
Awesome right???
 I'd think....... 
156 years to be your own state and government is pretty damn cool. I can't lie,  I'm not proud of myself because I know so little of my country. I've heard the war stories that I've been told by aunts, uncles and my father.
I mean don't get me wrong
I can describe to you my country's flag, where its located in the globe and the infamous anthem, 
but if you ask me to name three presidents who have served Liberia beside 
Charles Taylor ( everybody knows his name) and our recent Johnson.
I couldn't tell you for shit!!!! 
I can't even tell you the first president of Liberia. I can't tell you how the government system over there is structured, I can't even tell you the currency that's used.

Though I am Liberian by blood, my knowledge of my ancestors and country is as far as you get.
Born to a bassa dad is all I consider myself when it comes to Liberia.

My whole life was in the United States so I never seen struggle, hunger, poverty or war, but my father and his brothers and sister did. When I am told stories of all the war and violence they experienced I sometimes cant believe they made it through and remained sane.
True Liberians???
I don't know...... While I do love who I am and my history I am not going to take the one day out of the year that celebrates my country and scream its name all around town.

As a true Liberian I should be doing this everyday, yes independence is beautiful but Liberia is still struggling.
What are you doing to help??

ME??? I can honestly say, nothing. THAT'S.NOT.COOL.

I am not a hypocrite so I will not bash others and not notice all my faults, but I also won't run around 
yelling "Liberia!!!" just because.
.........I can only make myself more aware and educate myself on my country, once I do that.....
..................who knows..................................................
 Maybe I'll the feel comfortable and proud to call myself a true Liberian.....
Happy Independence, you have been through so much.

Tuesday, July 24

My Ode to Lauryn.

"It could all be so simple
But you'd rather make it hard
Loving you is like a battle
And we both end up with scars
Tell me, who I have to be
To get some reciprocity
No one loves you more than me
And no one ever will."

I miss you Ms. Lauryn, you bought complete style and dominance to music during your time,
and since you left the game no one has taken your place (no one ever will)
---COME BACK!!----

We need you, so innovative and refreshing (ahhh).
Not to many could rap/flow and still hold a melody like you. your skill level was on another page.
....... I'm here you tubing all your videos, covers and performances and I'm realizing that no one has touched and blessed the game the way you and The Fugees did.

No female touched the music world like you, your swag was so effortless, songs so relevant and 
struggle so real.
I love you....I am and will always be a stan

    A Stan.

Monday, July 23

Why Blog???

Its after 1am and I'm up late blogging..........
I get the sudden urge to blog after midnight..............uhhhhhh........
I really wanted to start a blog because I wanted to have a digital memoir of my journey, experiences, and adventure that I am going to endeavor on.

I have no urge to be this super genius blogger whom gets raves and reviews from every critic possible,
but to create something that I can look back on and say I DID this, or at this point in my life I was
OBSESSED loving this trend.

I want to be able to look back and hopefully show my kids that this is what their mommy started when she was in her 20s.
..............while my mind rambles on what else to add, Ill end my post with this, blogging gives you the chance to say something you wouldn't otherwise in certain situations
It allows you to be a critic of not only your work but others

.........uhhhhhh......on that note....

Peace and Love

Sunday, July 22

Minty Baby!!

I am completely in love obsessed with mint green, 

 I never thought mint green would be such a great accent , better yet bring a POP of color to my wardrobe. 
The most I did was wear it on my nails
 (how blahhhh right??) 
but I've learned to loveeeee this color,
 its subtle yet it pops. It literally blends with anything you pair it with.
And I am the biggest baby  PUNK!!!
I'm still taking baby steps with this color. A dab of mint green wedges here
and maybe a clutch, but the more I pair the color......I want moreee.
I'm not as daring as Amber Rose is wearing that uber sexy lace mint dress, but I know the color will compliment my milk chocolate complexion. I mean who doesn't love alittle mint chocolate *wink wink*

So....... yes ladies MINT is calling. Don't just take my fashion opinion try it out. It looks great on all skin tones and can compliment any body type.

Fall 2012 runways everywhere are bringing this trend to life,
 (Elie Saab) 
as well as Katy Perry (my fave),
 Kim Khardashian are rocking this color.

So while I'm keeping it simple with my polishes and shoes, all you risk takers and dare devils should definitely take the color and show it the real fashionista. 

Some of my favorites are:
MAC Peppermint Patti
Essie Mint Candy Apple
China Glaze: Re-fresh Mint polish, 
     .....Try a bold lip with Lime Crime Mint to Be Lipstick, a cool hip mint green skinny jean, Giuseppe Zanotti Mint Green Suede Pumps and Mint Polka Dot dress from Forever 21.

 Any of these will for sure leave a fashion statement on anyone's wardrobe.

And Fellas........
don't feel left out this color is for you to :)